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Will Fults

Who is Jesus?

Who exactly is Jesus? An angel? A Prophet? Just a good man? A created being but one that is lower than God? How can we know? If I told you who Jesus was would you believe me? What about someone who was born many years after the life of Jesus on earth, even if they claimed to be a prophet could we trust them? The answer is you can’t really trust my opinion, and you can’t even trust those who simply make a claim to be prophets. To get the real answer you would have to ask people who were there during the life of Jesus. In fact, if I could ask anyone who Jesus was, I would ask the people who lived every day with him. I would ask them what Jesus said about Himself. Wouldn’t you?

What is exciting is we have the ability to actually do so. Remember beloved, we have a timeless treasure, the letters of those who actually saw Jesus, who lived with Him for over 3 years during the most important part of His life here on earth and recorded his own words. That is the best resource to uncover who Jesus is, don’t you agree? Let’s open those letters today and discover who exactly Jesus is.

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Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people?   Why would a loving God allow his children to endure pain and toil and suffering?    If God is good and His creation is good, what went wrong?  Have you ever been confused in regards to these questions?  In a world surrounded by darkness and confusion, the word of God is a light guiding our steps to Christ.    Let us therefore study the Bible to discover the answer to these important questions.

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What happens when we die – Downloadable study

Hello friends, Recently we posted a new article about what happens when we die.  This article shared the truth and good news from the Bible about death and the resurrection. Truths which the apostles and reformers such as Martin Luther and William Tyndale knew but have been lost in many churches today.  The good news is now you can download this lesson in a fill-in-the-blank interactive format.  This Microsoft word… Read More »What happens when we die – Downloadable study

Should we forgive… everyone?

Nearly everyone who has lived long enough here on this earth has been hurt by someone who was very close to them.  In fact, when someone does something bad to us it often hurts us much more if we have loved and cared for them.  If a wife divorces a husband often both partners are hurt inside.  If however they were just mere acquaintances, the pain they would have felt would have been much less.  How great a pain God must feel when he sees those he loves choose to forsake God and trample the gift of forgiveness poured out by his son Jesus!  Unfortunately the world seems to be getting increasingly wicked, increasingly cruel, and people such as you and me are often the victims of the outright evil behavior of others.  Acquaintances who are mad at us we can handle, but what about church members and family members?  How should we treat those who have hurt us in the past?  What does God desire you to do today?  Let us study the Bible to find the answer to this important topic.

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7 Inspired Christian Parenting Principles

Parenting, it can sometimes seem like an impossible task.  But with God all things are possible.  “It is the privilege of parents to take their children with them to the gates of the city of God, saying, “I have tried to instruct my children to love the Lord, to do His will, and to glorify Him.” To such the gate will be thrown open, and parents and children will enter in. But all cannot enter. Some are left outside with their children, whose characters have not been transformed by submission to the will of God. A hand is raised, and the words are spoken, “You have neglected home duties. You have failed to do the work that would have fitted the soul for a home in heaven. You cannot enter.” The gates are closed to the children because they have not learned to do the will of God, and to parents because they have neglected the responsibilities resting upon them.1

The world is filled with new theories and parenting tips by supposed “experts in their field”. But the best parent of all time is God the Father. All the combined knowledge from all the parenting books in the world are no match compared to the truth and knowledge found in the word of God. Let’s not waste our time with the theories of learned men. It’s time to put aside the New York Times bestsellers and listen to the best parent of all time, God. What are some parenting commandments that God has given to His people? Let’s dig into the words of inspiration today.

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