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Will Fults

Freedom From Fear – What happens when we die?

Benjamin Franklin once said “nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes”. I’d respectfully like to add to his list of certainties the love of God and His promises that are sure! Now with a more full list of things that are certain in this life we unfortunately know all to well about taxes… but what happens when we die? Should we be afraid of death and what has happened or will happen to our loved ones who have passed away? Can we have peace and comfort in this area of uncertainty? And does it really matter what we know and believe in regards to this subject?

Today we will discover from the Bible yes it does matter if we know the truth. The Bible says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”1. A lack of knowledge in this subject will be the downfall for many of God’s people in the last days but knowing the truth about death will bring us comfort, give us peace and draw us closer to Jesus. Jesus said, “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”2

Let’s build our foundation on the rock today. Can we be free from fear even when facing death? Let’s discover what the Bible has to say.

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What are you worth?

What are you worth? The answer to that question is found in another question: Who’s paying the price? Discover how much you are worth in the eyes of God.

The Christian and Poker – What should we do?

Poker, gambling and its forms have often been considered acceptable in today’s society.  What was once found only in gambling halls is now found on primetime television. No longer relegated to Las Vegas, poker is in California, online, and practically in every state in the U.S.  If you do a Google search for “Christian Poker”, the top ten results for me at least showed only articles saying “go ahead” or “as long as it doesn’t take over your life you are not sinning” but each article had little or no study of the Bible.  Surprisingly, there is hardly any Christian material on this subject.

The question is, are we obeying God’s commandments?  Are we following Jesus by playing poker?  Are we dishonoring God by playing poker?  Can a Christian justify playing poker?  Is there such a thing as a Christian poker player?  Is it a sin and does the Bible say anything at all?  These questions can be answered by investigating what Jesus said.  So let us study the Bible, God’s word to find the answer to whether Christians should play poker.

Read More »The Christian and Poker – What should we do?

A Timeless Treasure

If you could travel in time to any point in the earth’s history where would you travel to?

Imagine you had a friend who developed a time machine to do just such a thing.  And let’s say your friend decided to travel back in time to the exact time when Jesus began his ministry.  For the next three and a half years your friend heard the actual words of Jesus.  Experienced the  love, kindness and holiness that Jesus demonstrated daily.  Saw the great miracles of Jesus healing the blind, raising the dead and curing the leprous.  Then your friend witnessed the persecution of Jesus, saw His death on the cross and beheld the resurrection with his own eyes!  Lastly your friend even touched Jesus after the resurrection!

After all this your friend was so excited to come back and tell you about Jesus.  But there was one problem…

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First MP3 Audio Sermon Online

Hello friends! If you haven’t noticed there is a new section in the top navigation entitled “Audio Sermons”. This section will feature a new audio sermon each week from various pastors. At the moment we have our first sermon up. So feel free to listen and share these sermons with your friends!